
Not gonna lie I'm not sure what to talk about today. So I guess I might as well talk about the boring stuff. Well, boring for most. But not this boi. I'm talking about CODE. I just felt the massive wave of everyone exiting out of this page but whatever . To be fair, I haven;t done much of the code. I coded a little script so that we can move the character but that's about it really. I've mostly focused on building the game. Pickle has done most of the code. ... Wow. Saying that made me feel sad. To think he has done more code than I have. Oh well. I can't go into much detail on how it works 'cause I didn't build it but I'm going to try and explain how the Inventory system works Basically you have the open spaces in your inventory. As you pick up items they get sorted into a open space. If you already have an item in your inventory and you pick up another one it gets stacked onto the one already in it unless the item is non-stackable in which case it ...