Planning is fun! (Haha no(Syke! Pranked(jk its boring(Pranked again!))))

Making ze game

Yeah I spelled it "ze" you mad? Back to the blog. What was I gonna talk about? Oh yeah making the game or should I say, planning the game. When last year's competition ended we decided to set our goal to be to get familiar with Unity in the months leading up to the reveal of this years theme. Got pretty decent at the language used in Unity and made a few starter games to practice. 

Once the theme got released we got to planning. *Yay* We decided what we wanted to do, spoiler alert, we decided to take some heavy and I mean Heavy inspiration from you guessed it, the story of Icarus. We made some key goals as to what the game had to have, such as certain quests and characters like the Minotaur. The good stuff right. This proccess must have taken us 2-3 hours and after that we got right into making the game, starting with making the maze itself which is a slow task but quite rewarding at the end of the day.  Then we started work on NPC's and a quest system. At the moment we are finishing that up and the next step would be NPC models and a inventory system

Unity is a pretty good medium in my opinion, considering what tools it gives you to use in the game. Building the game can be made easy with it and there are a lot of really good tutorials out there to help anyone. I myself love it and coding on it is easy. 

Anyways, that's it for today. Ill see y'all Saturday.
And remember, fear the dark. As it hunts you.


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