
Inventory and Quests

Inventory and Quests I'm sure that most if not all of us are familiar with quests. Even if you have never played a video game you have probably heard of them one time or another. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few millennia. In short, a quest is something you do and you get something in reward. Usually you tend to get quests from NPC's (non player characters) in RPG's (Role playing games). Do the thing, get the reward. Now my game being a RPG, I decided to add a quest system and a NPC system as well. During the past 3 or 4 days I have been following a tutorial by  Hardly Brief Tutorials  in his 4 part series  Make an RPG 2016 . He explains so well even I can understand him and keep up with him. If you are interested in following along I suggest watching him. While I have been busy working on this Pickle has been restlessly working on his lil' inventory system. Something about arrays and saving item ID's in them and I'LL BE THERE F...


Not gonna lie I'm not sure what to talk about today. So I guess I might as well talk about the boring stuff. Well, boring for most. But not this boi. I'm talking about CODE. I just felt the massive wave of everyone exiting out of this page but whatever . To be fair, I haven;t done much of the code. I coded a little script so that we can move the character but that's about it really. I've mostly focused on building the game. Pickle has done most of the code. ... Wow. Saying that made me feel sad. To think he has done more code than I have. Oh well. I can't go into much detail on how it works 'cause I didn't build it but I'm going to try and explain how the Inventory system works Basically you have the open spaces in your inventory. As you pick up items they get sorted into a open space. If you already have an item in your inventory and you pick up another one it gets stacked onto the one already in it unless the item is non-stackable in which case it ...

I did a thing

To some peoples surprise, it is actually quite hard to build an entire maze in Unity. Every single wall has to be built by hand. I think in total its 500+ walls in the maze. Now, by anyone's standards that's quite a bit. Unless your rich or something I guess. But I'm proud of it. 30 minutes I spent trying to get to the end and hooooly cheese is it hard. You think paper maze's are hard? Try actually being inside one of them. Hard. Anyways, that's not what I'm here to talk about. The next step in this game is the stuff that will make this an actual game. I'm talking about npc's, quests, rewards, and obviously inventory. Pickle has already started work on the inventory and he's actually almost done. Not gonna tell y'all about it cause I don't know the specifics but he can tell you if he ever posts in this blog. I'm going to start work on different regions of the maze because our game plan requires that. Maybe work on the npc's itself...

You would not believe what I just did

Back again! Lets start with the obvious. I missed Saturday. But! I have a good excuse. I was on a bus to The Dalles for a robotics competition. Eh? Eh? How was that for an excuse? And because that's still fresh on my mind I'm going to tell y'all about it.  Lets start with waking up. For most people waking up at 4 am would be a hard task. I made it easy by, you know, not going to sleep . Next is the bus drive. Some would argue that it's the funnest part of a field trip. Those people are right. Especially when you're with friends and have stuff to do. I'm not going to go into specific but let's just say I am an uno MASTER . Not to brag or anything of course... Then's the competition itself. You get to look at other robots and compare them to your own and make predictions about how it was going to play out. But as stressful as some moments are it's really fun in the end. We saw some bots that where beautiful in some different ways. Some of th...

Planning is fun! (Haha no(Syke! Pranked(jk its boring(Pranked again!))))

Making ze game Yeah I spelled it "ze" you mad? Back to the blog. What was I gonna talk about? Oh yeah making the game or should I say, planning the game. When last year's competition ended we decided to set our goal to be to get familiar with Unity in the months leading up to the reveal of this years theme. Got pretty decent at the language used in Unity and made a few starter games to practice.  Once the theme got released we got to planning. *Yay* We decided what we wanted to do, spoiler alert, we decided to take some heavy and I mean Heavy inspiration from you guessed it, the story of Icarus. We made some key goals as to what the game had to have, such as certain quests and characters like the Minotaur. The good stuff right. This proccess must have taken us 2-3 hours and after that we got right into making the game, starting with making the maze itself which is a slow task but quite rewarding at the end of the day.  Then we started work on NPC's and a quest ...

Guess who's back? Back again?

Guess who's back? Back again? Yes, me. Aww come on its not that bad. Besides, I'm just here to talk about making the game. Its a fun process making a game. Except for every thing. The coding, the building of the game, and having to, you know, do stuff . Building a maze is actually pretty hard. you know, having to move stuff around and making walls. But ohhh man is it rewarding to see your progress at the end of the day. I live for that now. The coding itself is also quite fun at times. The game is based around the story of Icarus. But im pretty sure you guys already knew that considering, well, everything. Icarus was the son of Daedalus. Genius inventor from ancient Greek times. The stories are pretty crazy with him making machines that could very easily be confused for magic. Maybe it is.... I dunno.  The story goes something like *deep breath* Daedalus killed his nephew and fled for his life and seeked refuge in Crete, working under the command of King Minos. He worked t...

Flight Of Icarus

Flight Of Icarus By Ze Coding Bros Oregon Coding Challenge 2020 Hello! Welcome to ze blog. Just a small group of coders working on this fun fast paced maze game. Hope ya enjoy cause if you don't, you'll regret wasting a few hours of your time. We are 2 brother who somehow managed to handle each other for long enough to make a game. How we did it is a mystery. We started making this game 'cause 1, its FUN  and 2, after many years of loving video games we decided to try and make one My name is Wise and his name is Pickle, we first started coding back when we were 8 maybe 9. My dad took us to a coding thingy in the heart of Seattle and we started working with Scratch. We got pretty good at it. Made a few games including a Minecraft copy, plants vs. zombies and some more. After a while we upgraded to Minecraft hacking/modding. When we moved to Oregon we kept practicing at home and when we found out about this competition and we moved our concentration onto this. W...