Inventory and Quests
Inventory and Quests I'm sure that most if not all of us are familiar with quests. Even if you have never played a video game you have probably heard of them one time or another. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few millennia. In short, a quest is something you do and you get something in reward. Usually you tend to get quests from NPC's (non player characters) in RPG's (Role playing games). Do the thing, get the reward. Now my game being a RPG, I decided to add a quest system and a NPC system as well. During the past 3 or 4 days I have been following a tutorial by Hardly Brief Tutorials in his 4 part series Make an RPG 2016 . He explains so well even I can understand him and keep up with him. If you are interested in following along I suggest watching him. While I have been busy working on this Pickle has been restlessly working on his lil' inventory system. Something about arrays and saving item ID's in them and I'LL BE THERE F...